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Our Sermons

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The transformation-sanctification process is one all true believers must go through once a commitment is made to follow Jesus Christ and Savior and Lord.  Bo Smith explains this process and goes into detail about our responsibilities as it relates to calling oneself a Christian. Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

NOTE:  THE VIDEO FOR THIS LESSON IS NOT FUNCTIONAL.  THE FILE WAS ACCIDENTALLY ERASED.  In this intriguing message, Bo Smith allows the congregation to teach the message regarding faith and works as they both relate to salvation. You'll be surprised by how often the audience changes their minds!    Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

Pastor Larry Williams examines the amazing gifts and talents God has entrenched within a woman and the manner in which she can unleash them to please her Creator.  Satan has totally distorted the role of women in our modern society, and unfortunately, way too many Christian ladies of Faith have chased after fulfillment by looking in all the wrong places.  Being a woman in today's word , and focusing your efforts on pleasing Christ, may be a very arduous task, and quite challenging, but on the flip side, extremely rewarding. Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

Have you ever wondered if, after you have accepted Christ, you may have done such a bad job of being a Christian, that you could have lost your salvation?  Are you worried that you may have "sinned too much", and are no longer a member of the Heavenly family?  In this message, Pastor Larry Williams explains exactly what the Word of God shares concerning this dilemma, and what the Lord Jesus Christ Himself has to say about it.  Click the below link if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

PLEASE NOTE:  NO SOUND FOR 7.5 MINUTES.  In this message, Pastor Larry Williams explains how becoming a true believer demands the same mission, and outreach, that the original followers of Christ were tasked with.  He examines, in depth, the traits that “automatically” are endowed within every person who has been filled with the Holy Spirit; and the expectations that come along with that great privilege.  Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

This week is Holy Week or Passion Week and this day marks the day Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem as King.  He was greeted by a great multitude of people from around the region, waving palm branches and shouting, Hosanna!  Bo Smith takes us back to that glorious day when Jesus was glorified by all of the people.  Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

Pastor Larry Williams takes an in-depth, and quite revealing look, at the events which preceded, and led up to, the Glorious death, burial, and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; which churches, of all varieties, worldwide, will be celebrating this Easter Sunday.  Don’t stay home, and miss the teaching on what may change your whole view of this momentous event, from this year forward.  Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

 Pastor Larry Williams takes us an in-depth look into exactly where we stand in Bible prophecy; and the next catastrophic events which are about to take place.  God is switching gears from the Gentile world, and back to focusing upon His people, the Jewish nation.  What must those gentiles know about what is about to happen, and the far-reaching, and eternal consequences, for those who are teetering on the brink of accepting Christ as their Lord, and Savior, if these events take place soon?  If you are one of those type folks, you may not want to miss this highly important message! Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

Look around…what do you see?  A culture that is falling apart, and has increasingly become more, and more, rebellious.  Authority is challenged on every front; and violent, and angry protests are on the rise.  Pastor Larry Williams takes an in-depth look into where the roots of this began, and asks each of us to examine ourselves, to be sure we as Christians, are not falling into the same Satanic trap.  Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

Pastor Larry Williams explains that it takes more than appearance to be a believer.  It is a complete transformation, a metamorphosis if you will, to be allowed to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.  Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

Pastor Larry Williams examines the correlation between the motto of the Marines..."The few. The proud. The Marines." to that of a true believer of Christ..."The few. The faithful. The free."   Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

"Choose Your Jesus"

Pastor Larry Williams goes into great detail explaining the benefits of those who are part of the "Few".  He also discusses the fact that you and I had nothing to do with our salvation; and that every detail of it was crafted and offered to us as a gift by a GOD who Loves us more than we could understand.  Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

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With so many different religions and cults that are active in the world today, people are becoming confused as to who Jesus is, what He has done and what He has yet to do.  We all have a choice in selecting the Jesus that we will serve and worship...choose wisely!  Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

Pastor Larry Williams explains that no one can work their way into Heaven, no matter how hard one tries.  True surrender and faith in Jesus Christ is the only pathway to true salvation and into the gates of Heaven!  Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

Pastor Larry Williams explains that it requires true faith and belief to access the supernatural power of God's Word.  The primary scripture for this message is found in John 20:27.  Click "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

"What's Faith Got to do with it?"

Pastor Larry Williams reminisces about the past year at Seekers and shares an in-depth look into the Biblical basis for the outreach that we have enjoyed together.  He then shares the pathway to taking the fellowship to the next level of service; which revolves around each and every person who chooses to identify with Seekers, and their outreach, using their own personal gifts and sharing the load of ministry jointly.  Jesus will be judging us, as both individuals, and as a congregation, and we are all hoping to hear, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant". Click the "DOCX" link to the right if you would like the full notes for this lesson.

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